
Markham Infiniti

new window 25 South Unionville Ave, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 6B8

Services And Parts



The 25th annual CTV Toy Mountain is here and we are so happy to be apart of this opportunity to help our local community! This year, Markham INFINITI is setting out to help struggling families in Markham and Greater Toronto Area region by collecting gift donations for children in our community. With the effects of COVID 19, many families will struggle to provide their children with presents this year leaving many children with nothing to open during this holiday season. Even if you’re able to purchase just one extra gift while you’re shopping this year it could make all the difference in a child’s day.

CTV Toy Mountain wants to hit a goal of 150,000 donations this year and we can only help them reach that with your help! While every gift is appreciated, gifts for teens often fall short. If you’re looking for gift ideas for this age group The Salvation Army recommends: curling irons, hair dryers, hair kits, makeup, electronics, books, school supplies, board games, jewelry, clothing/accessories, backpacks, and gift cards.

There is a donation box at our dealership where you will be able to safely donate any gifts you can when you’re in for a scheduled appointment. Please remember to wear a mask as we are taking every precaution to help reduce the spread of COVID 19 in our community.

We would like to thank all of our valued customers for your contributions and together let’s help to make this the biggest Toy Mountain yet!